GoldenSHERPA Photo Staging Ideas

GoldenSHERPA Photo Staging Ideas

Photo Day, preparing your community photoshoot takes a bit of effort, but it’s well worth it. Below is a list to help guide you in the process. 

Adult Family Home Communities: Please prepare two bedrooms for photos before the appointment time.

Inside the Home

1. De-clutter as much as possible. Put away clothing, dishes, towels, shoes, etc. It’s a lot cheaper to put these things away before the photoshoot than to pay to have the photos “photoshopped.”

2. Depersonalized to a certain degree, remove personal pictures in the rooms to be photographed.

3. Remove any seasonal/holiday decorations that can quickly outdated your photos.

4. Dust and vacuum.

5. Make all the beds, fluff all the pillows, and check the bed skirts.

6. Clean the kitchen sink and put away all the dishes.

7. Clear all kitchen countertops and put away toasters, can openers, etc.

8. Clear all bathroom countertops and put away all personal items.

9. Remove all shampoos, conditioners, body washes, etc. from the shower.

10. Put out the guest towels and hide all the others.

11. Hide all trash cans.

12. Remove all magnets and decorations from the refrigerator.

13. If there are pets, hide all food/water bowls, pet beds, and pet toys.

14. Put all toilet seats and lids down.

15. Replace all burned-out light bulbs.

16. Consider decorating the tables with your prettiest place settings.

17. Consider putting out vases of fresh flowers.

Outside the Home

1. Have the lawn trimmed, leaves raked, bushes, and trees pruned.

2. Clean up after any animal

3. Put away all garbage cans, hoses, garden tools, toys, bikes, etc.

4. Hide any “cute” yard decorations.

5. In snowy climates, shovel snow from walkways, driveways, patios, decks when necessary.

6. If there is a pool, hot tub, or spa, take any security gate down, uncover, and clean.

7. If there will be any twilight photos taken, replace any broken lighting on the home, around the landscape, and in the pool.

8. Open the umbrellas on any patio sets.

9. When in season, uncover grills.

10. Remove any seasonal/holiday decorations.

11. Consider adding splashes of bright colored flowers to the landscape and in pots.

Right Before the Photographer Arrives

1. Turn on ALL interior lights – even lights in furniture cabinets.

2. Turn OFF all ceiling fans.

3. Light fireplaces and candles.

4. Open all blinds, shades, and curtains.

5. Clear all cars and vehicles from the driveway and the street in front of the home. (Key for exterior photos)

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