Getting To Know Your Options

Getting To Know Your Options

Entering the transitional period into senior living can lead to feelings of uncertainty. But knowing what your options are can help ease that anxiety. Before starting to research your family’s continuing care options take the time to discuss what matters most to them.  A national survey tracking senior's most valued amenities highlights the common wants and needs of the community. And senior living communities are rising to the challenge by working to both maintain a home lifestyle and offer additional perks to community living. The study found that many seniors value their mobility which can be found in amenities such as "easy access to transportation", "parking garages", and "outdoor spaces". Keeping the same lifestyle is also a priority for many and senior living facilities are rising to meet this challenge by offering "pet-friendly facilities" and other features such as a “well-designed kitchen” that can help maintain a sense of similarity. Some senior living companies offer options that can help assist in their movements such as personal parking spaces, and elevator access/no step facilities.  If the senior in your life wishes for a more active lifestyle then they are not alone as 27% of seniors prefer a gym and 23% wish for a pool. Establishing a personal checklist of amenities simplifies and even makes the premise of a move later in life exciting. Search for your favorite amenities on GoldenSHERPA. 

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