Decorating Your New Space

Decorating Your New Space

Moving into senior living can be a big change but it doesn’t have to be. Making the shift into a senior living space can be a fun opportunity to display your own personal style or experiment with new ones. It is important to embrace your individuality while establishing a safe and practical space to spend quality time in. A few fun designs and a couple of key principles can make this process quick and fun.

       Find ways to express yourself in your new space by selecting some of your current favorite decorations and working them into the space. Artwork done by family and friends can give the room a sense of familiarity. Organization is also key as you need to have essentials in reach. But  as much as you need to grab socks every morning make sure to keep your favorite items within reach too, after all, this is a personal space, and those items you cherish should be exactly where you want them.
       Senior living spaces may not have as much room as your previous residence, but by adding a plant to freshen the air and a mirror to open up the space you can keep the away cramped sensations. Making the most of your space also includes developing a floor plan that will promote ease of access and increase safety in your room. Browsing room options can help you determine what floor plan and room style will work best for you.  Here are some resources to make you space shine and help you achieve the type of lifestyle you want in your new home. Head to websites like Ikea and even browse your local Target to find low cost but high style organizational tools. Finding furniture with round edges may be difficult but searching on popular furniture websites like Kwalu  will give you the access you need in no time.  One thing for sure is using Golden SHERPA can help you find exactly the right fit for you and your loved ones.

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